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How Virat Kohli Become Best in Chasing

Virat Kohli and Tamim Ikbal live conversation.    

Virat Kohli and Tamim Ikbal discussion after the match, Cricketix 

  • Tamim  Ikbal  continues in his live video chat with cricket related persons. And this time in 19th May he makes the conversation with the captain of Indian cricket Virat Kohli andasked him some questions of his success.

1st question: The situation of Corona Virus now in India

Firstly Tamim asked Kohli how was the situation of this virus in India? The answer was, " India’s situation is coming better. All the process is going right. People become confident slowly but nicely. We should need to go with the situation," said Kohli.

Tamim them said that similar situation here in Bangladesh. "More of the people are day labourers. They work daily and earn daily. We should need to go with the situation,""said Tamim Ikbal.

2nd question: How you changed yourself in the next 2 to 3 years after 2009

Virat reply that when anyone comes in cricket he thinks in how to build up career. What happened with me that after playing a seres i went out from the team but in 2019 teat trophy i got an opportunity to come back in national team. I played my best in that matches become man of the match in one match. From then i build my conference. But when i made my first century against Sri lanka in international cricket i feel that i can do this for a long time. 
Vitat Kohli and Tamim Ikbal live Conversation 

3rd question: Why did you change your batting style?

"I changed because i felt i wanted play all over the ground." said Virat Kohli. "When i play in statice position by standing into the wicket it felt me it maybe making my options limited. Static position is not work for me. It works for many other cricketers like Sachin Tendulkar. He never felt problem. I practice this technique in nets, but i build my conference by playing this technique in matches.

4th question: How big you are in preparation 

"I don't have a set pattern in preparation. Only set pattern I have is fitness. I think treaning and your diet should be consistent. Because if you fell, your body feels and you don't feel un comfort in fitness you can practice as long as you like."said Kohli.

5th question: How do you break down the score when you chasing?

"Sometimes Mushfiqur behind the stump say something which makes me motivated. When I was kid and saw India losing any match in case if chasing I say that if I was in this match I must make this match win. I don't take chasing as presser I take it as an opportunity. It is an opportunity where I can end my innings by not out. I never give up if it is 370 or 380. I never take chasing impossible."said Virat. 

6th question: Do you doubt yourself for any match like i'm not good enough for this?

To be honest not in game. In game  never doubt my self. As a human being everyone have there doubt, weeknesses, negetive. When practice becomes not good, while batting is not going well one feel like might I lost my conference. If I believe I'm good enough then I'm good enough. When you are in the game,in the field this though not come because in the field you always needs to realise the situationrealise the match position, what  need to do in this time this thought not come. It mainly comes off the field.

And then Virat Kohli wished all Bangladeshes for the Eid. He wishes for everyone happiness. Thus, everyone can enjoy this Eid from the core of their heart.

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